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2758 (XXVI). Restoration of the lawful rights of the People's Republic of China in the United Nations

The General Assembly,

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General Order No. 1

The Imperial General Headquarters by direction of the Emperor, and pursuant to the surrender to the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers of all Japanese armed forces by the Emperor, hereby orders all of its commanders in Japan and abroad to cause the Japanese armed forces and Japanese-controlled forces under their command to cease hostilities at once, to lay down their arms, to remain in their present locations and to surrender unconditionally to commanders acting on behalf of the United States, the Republic of China, the United Kingdom and the British Empire, and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, as indicated hereafter or as may be further directed by the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers. Immediate contact will be made with the indicated commanders, or their designated representatives, subject to any changes in detail prescribed by the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, and their instructions will be completely and immediately carried out.

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下關條約 (馬關條約) 原文

簽約時間:1895 年 4 月 17 日 ( 大清帝國 光緒 21 年 3 月 23 日 )

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仔細看清楚 照片是早期支那國民黨的軍服,小腿綁布條的是支那兵,日軍是穿靴子的,還有那個帽徽是國民黨的 不是日軍的 

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美國早就在國際上公開說明 中華冥國不是國家,不承認中華冥國國籍,這些民進洞的黨奴怎麼還是看不懂

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【聯合國2758號決議英文內文與釋義】 1:53:45

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ROC 不是主權國家

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